
  • Delayed Forward
  • Forward slip
  • C1 Clutch burned
  • Harsh Forward
  • Flare shifts


Wear at the accumulator piston bore in the valve body or on the critical accumulator piston diameters allows apply oil to exhaust.


Sonnax drop-in accumulator piston kit incorporates an O-ring for positive sealing plus annular grooves for better centering and wear prevention.
  • U660E, U660F, U760E, U760F C1 Accumulator Piston Kit 47740-12K
  • U660E, U660F, U760E, U760F C1 Accumulator Piston Kit 47740-12K

You need this if...

A vacuum test at the port indicated fails to hold at least 18 in-Hg (Figure 1), or visual wear in bore or on the piston is detected (Figure 2).

U660E, U660F, U760E, U760F C1 Accumulator Piston Kit Vacuum Test Locations